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8 Feb 2025: Mark WilliamsCyclops by Odilon Redon

In the Kingdom of the Blind: The Single Eye as an Archetypal Image

One-eyedness is slippery, uncanny, and paradoxical. As the result of loss, both as a human experience and as a theme in dreams and myth, it conducts us into the archetypal regions of sacrifice, wounding, and initiation, in which to lose an eye can disable—but also mysteriously empower. But inherent monocularity, as with the disembodied eye, the Eye of God, or the one-eyed Cyclops, is a phenomenon confined to dreams, myth, and religion. Within and between these two broad categories lies a tangle of meanings, cultural images, and psychological implications, so that any given image or experience of one-eyedness may sit within several overlapping fields of archetypal resonance. This talk will provide a chance to explore the theme of the single eye through its connections to some of the central preoccupations of Jung’s psychology: the nature of consciousness, the relationship between ego and unconscious, the Self, one-sidedness, the mandala, sacrifice, the Shadow, and the God-image.

Mark Williams is a Jungian Analyst in private practice in Oxford and a member of the Independent Group of Analytical Psychologists (IGAP). He is a scholar of mythology and a specialist in the literatures and languages of the Celtic world. His books include Ireland's Immortals: A History of the Gods of Irish Myth (Princeton, 2016), and The Celtic Myths That Shape The Way We Think (Thames & Hudson, 2021).


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General information

Since the early eighties, the C.G. Jung Public Lectures have played an important part in establishing and maintaining Bristol's reputation as an acknowledged centre of interest in Depth Psychology.

The monthly lectures are on current issues and topics broadly related to the field of analytical psychology and are given by a variety of professional and established speakers. They are open to everybody with an interest in depth psychology, the therapies, philosophy, religion, mythology, life and the arts.

The aim is to provide a friendly, informal space for Jung's ideas and philosophy to reach a wider public. There is time for refreshment, socialising, and networking after the lecture followed by participative discussion with the speaker in the round.


A reduced-price bookstall is sometimes provided by Bookmark, Bristol. Their website includes a good selection
of Jungian and Analytical Psychology titles (also at reduced prices)!
Tel: (0117) 9672928


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